Posts in personal growth
Say's Who?

We are bombarded with information daily by experts claiming they know what is best for us. They tell us what to eat, how to sleep, how to parent our kids, and how to master our thoughts, actions, and emotions. They claim they have the answers for our bodies and our minds yet not one has been in our heads, bodies, or lived our experiences.

Who are they to know what is best for me?

Do they know what it is like being told that you were too emotional, too scared, and to be a big girl and suck it up?

Do they know what it’s like to raise three boys while being a special education teacher while going through perimenopause?

Do they know what it’s like to recover from a life of body destruction in the name of fitness and health?

Do they know what it is like to watch my mother lose her ability to walk, move, and talk and then DIE when she was so excited to be a grandmother and enjoy her life?

They do not. But I do.

My body knows.

She remembers all that because she experienced it.

Some may be experts in their field and know all the facts and the studies in their domain, but they are not me. They don’t know my body and my mind. Yet, I voraciously listen to their podcasts and read their books to stop the madness of feeling not good enough.

I can be better.

I must be better.

I am falling short.

And yet, with all these experts, knowledge, and information, we are in a human energy crisis and global human function is depleting. We are no longer moving like we were born to move and being bombarded with the temptations of an easier, more comfortable life.

What’s next?

Scroll more on our phones?

Buy more useless shit?

Spend time reading and listening to experts telling us how to master our lives?

Wait for AI to give us an answer?

This is the dis-ease of EASE.

We can no longer sit long enough to sit with ourselves quietly. Our attention span has gone down to almost that of a goldfish. We no longer listen to our own intuition, our own bodies and rely solely on what the experts believe is best for us.

When was the last time you just sat, listened, and felt your own body?

And, not in THAT way you dirty birds.

I remember the first self-help (diet) book I read when I was fifteen, written by Susan Powter called “Stop the Insanity”. It was the first of hundreds of books I have read, along with podcasts and social media posts. I believe the cycle is complete and I have come full circle.

It is time.

Stop the insanity.

It is time to take our lives and bodies back. It is time to stop listening to the experts and become curious about what our own body is telling us it needs. It is time to listen to our body messages with curiosity and awareness and learn to trust ourselves and feel safe in our bodies. We must take back our power and grow our capacity to listen and care for ourselves in a way that works for us, our lives, and our circumstances.

The most important relationship we will ever have is our relationship to our body. Our self-awareness and willingness to approve, accept, and love ourselves are the keys to improving our lives and relationships with others. It is time to reconnect and rediscover our humanness. We must take back the power and teach the next generation how to listen to their intuition, so they can hear what their bodies tell them.

I started to listen to my body about a year and a half ago after spending a life being told what to eat, how to train and what to do. I was taught from a young age that I shouldn’t trust myself, through messages from my caregivers, coaches and the media.

“Don’t be a psychologist, you won’t make any money.”

“You look amazing!”

This was said to me, when starving myself and working out three hours a day.

“Don’t eat fat.”

“Don’t eat carbs or fat.”

“Wait, no meat either.”

Track your macros. Track your workout. Track your sleep.


Don’t let your kids have screens.


Don’t forget your self-care!

Once I began to listen to my body, everything changed. My body began to heal and for the first time in my life, I learned to trust and feel safe to be myself, and to accept myself and all the parts of me. The work is never done, but it is all about the process, the progress, and getting to know the many parts of me I have kept silent and hidden all these years.

The more I listen, the more she heals, and the more she heals, the more I trust that she knows. I can’t say it was easy, but I leaned into it and allowed my body to guide me.

And as I heal myself, I heal the world around me.

I wish the same for you. Stop the insanity. Everything you need you have inside you right now. It is time to listen, realign, and rediscover what we were born to do.

The only way to optimize your body is to learn to listen, so you can physically match and emotionally attach to your unique purpose and capacity. You were born to be you.

We were all made to move.

We were all born to feel.

And we all can align to what we believe is best for us.

It is time we stop should’ing our pants and doing what we know is best for us.



Finding Purpose: Feel the Fear and Do it Anyways

I have been alive for over 44 years but I believe that my life truly began when I found my life’s purpose. Unfortunately it came from a devastating loss after my mom was diagnosed with ALS and succumbed to her illness in 2010.

The day of her diagnosis was the turning point in my life, but it took me a while to realize it. I had to face a lot of darkness and fears and keep moving forward to find the light that is now filling my life.

It wasn’t that I had a fearless heart, but I realized that life can bring great pain and loss and that I had a choice; to let it engulf me, or feel it and keep going. I decided to focus on what little light that I still had shining inside me and turn the pain into a purpose.

The little light inside was my purpose beginning to shine. 

Her death brought me face to face with my life. I realized that life was too short to be miserable. Life was too short to feel stuck. I realized that I didn’t want to wait until my kids were older to create a life that had meaning to me and connection to others. I made the decision to take personal responsibility for my life, and to motivate and inspire others to do the same.

I did not have a fearless heart. I was brave because I felt so much fear, and I did it anyways. 

When I began this journey I had no idea it would bring me where I am today. Becoming a teacher has given me the opportunity to live out my life’s purpose. I don’t know where I will be in 5 years, but I know that I am exactly where I want to be. 

The journey hasn’t been easy,. But it has been worth it.

My purpose as a teacher can be summed up with three words:




I want to build a culture of kindness with my students. I want my students to feel belonging and connection in my classroom. I want them to know that they matter and that they are loved. I want to create a community of kindness and belonging, but also one of personal responsibility. I want to teach my students how they can bring meaning and purpose to their own lives and  unleash the person they were born to be. 

This is my purpose. The little light that ignited 10 years ago has led me here. I know it won’t always be easy but it is that purpose that will guide me on the days when I need to find the light inside.

I hope that you find your purpose. You don’t have to have a fearless heart. You just need to feel the fear and do it anyways. 

You are worth it.